If you are looking for Women Christian clothing, our Pray White Christian Shirt Designs at Malachi Clothing are a great choice. The t-shirt is definitely something you will not find elsewhere online! It is a simple, but fashionable piece that will draw attention. It shares a positive message, and is a great reminder to remember to pray and the importance of praying. The white t-shirt features the words "Pray" written in black. The t-shirt is also a great gift for anyone in your life!
Proceeds Donated
With your purchase of the Pray White Christian Shirt Designs items, you will be supporting a great cause. All purchases made through Malachi Clothing directly help someone in need globally. We use our proceeds to donate care packages that include vital items such as hygiene products. A free prayer bracelet with the name of the exact recipient of the donation will be included with your purchase. A free prayer request will be attached with the Pray White Christian Shirt Designs delivery as well.
Malachi Clothing Online
Visit Malachi Clothing online to read more at http://malachiclothing.com/